Give to the Y

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Your support helps the “Y” deliver on our commitment to the community!

Your generous gifts will enable our YMCA to:

  • Nurture the potential of youth through building confidence at camp, academic enrichment in safe afterschool programs, or foundational skills and values in our child care programs
  • Improve the nation’s health and well-being through combating obesity and chronic disease by providing the support and resources people need to make positive change
  • Give back and support our neighbors by empowering people with the resources to improve their lives and connect and contribute to the community, such as with job training, housing, newcomer services and opportunities to advocate for social change
  • Offer programs and services to children, adults and families who need financial assistance

Online Giving Options

Greatest Need:

Your gift designated as Greatest Need is important because it allows our YMCA to direct funds where they are most needed.

Annual Campaign:

The goal of our Annual Campaign is to raise funds to sustain the YMCA’s regular, ongoing expenses.

Capital Campaign:

Capital gifts support needs throughout the facility for renovations, maintenance and repair.

Cornerstone Club:

Your monthly recurring gift of at least $10 funds our YMCA’s greatest needs.

When you give to the Y, your gift will have a meaningful, enduring impact right in your own neighborhood.

Also, a donation of your time is also a valuable contribution.

For more information contact:

Anne Hudlow, Director of Development
(540) 943-9622

We greatly appreciate your continued generosity and support!

Please sign in to your member account before making a donation.